I can’t believe I love teaching!

As of this writing, I’ve had only one student take one voice lesson with me, and I’m already hooked. I want to do more. I want so much for my student to enjoy her voice and discover its full capability that I’m beside myself. I can’t believe it. Years ago I would have never pictured it like this.

Here’s what I love about teaching: Each student gets to create something inspiring, and I get to help. My student told me she wants to create a recital on the theme of “the many faces of love.” How cool is that!? I was blown away by this.

In years past, I’ve been one of those people who thought that teaching was reserved for professional failures–the has-been’s, never-been’s and woulda-coulda-shoulda-been’s. And I admit, that’s a rotten thing to say or think. As a teacher now, I think that if I were approached by my 12-years-ago self saying such a thing, I would be offended. And you know what, it was actually 12 years ago that Richard Kennell, the now retired Dean of the College of Musical Arts at BGSU said to a classroom full of us aspiring young musicians:

“If you don’t teach, the art dies with you.”

I could slap myself for not getting what he said. Especially now, since I have a voice studio where I want nothing more than to just share with people how wonderful it is to sing, and to explore what the voice can do.

I’m all about sharing. That’s what singers do. That’s what all musicians do, but singers have a very specific role to play in the sharing of experiences through music, because they combine Sound with Word in a process that is nothing short of Magic. We have a huge responsibility and opportunity to share on multiple planes and levels of reality, so that people can be transformed in their listening.

And I get to help now, as a teacher.

It’s not that I’ve never taught before–I’ve actually done a fair share of classroom teaching in the past, and choir rehearsals are not all that different–it’s just that my experience of it is so different now; I’m not the same person I was then. Hallelujah.

Because now, it’s all about sharing. Who doesn’t love sharing? Who doesn’t appreciate someone who shares authentically? And now I get to help singers do just that. Not just in choir, but in the private studio now. It’s a special thing.

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2 thoughts on “I can’t believe I love teaching!

  1. Amy, you have discovered a very special thing: authentically sharing. There is all the difference in the world between “people who need people” and “people who use people.” There’s a reason that the former group consider themselves, or are considered by others, “the luckiest people in the world.”

  2. marygroveaie says:

    Thanks Amy, sharing is so beneficial to both the person sharing and the person giving. It allows people to get the best from you as you receive the best from yourself as well. Sharing is so important. Your sharing really helps me. Again, thanks.

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